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Education>Master Tree Farm Course>Tree Farm Technician  



Slash treatment is the modification of residue remaining on-site following a silvicultural treatment.

There are numerous purposes of slash treatment.  Not all are possible at the same time on every site.  The type of treatment utilized is dependent upon the objectives desired from the treatment.  Major emphasis in slash treatment is wildfire hazard reduction.



1.        To reduce fine fuels which cause rapid spread in wildfire situations.


2.        To eliminate large fuels which add significant amounts of heat in wildfire situations and therefore, increase the resistance of the fire to be controlled.


3.        To reduce damage to the site from heat created in wildfires.  Hot fires destroy organic matter in the soil, effectively sterilizing it for a period of time.


4.        To protect the site from erosion.  This is done either physically or by aiding the establishment of grasses and trees.


5.        To encourage natural reproduction.  It aids in site preparation to expose mineral soil to seeds.  It accelerates the opening of serotinous lodgepole pine cones and dispersal of seeds.


6.        To add nutrients to the soil.


7.        To destroy noxious weed seeds and/or undesirable plant species.


8.        To influence the amount of use on an area by livestock and wildlife.


9.        To improve aesthetics (visual quality).


10.     To hold snow on a given treated site for improved watershed benefits.


11.     To protect improvements such as buildings.


12.     To reduce potential buildup of insects.


13.     To eliminated disease producing organisms.

Define and give examples of the following slash disposal methods.  
Answer to Quiz Question #4:
What are three methods of slash treatment?


1.        Lop and Scatter


2.        Hand pile and Burn


3.        Machine pile and Burn  (as part of harvest contract with logging equipment)


4.        Mechanical pile and Burn (by specialized equipment after contract is completed)


5.        Mechanical Windrow  (may burn some of windrows but always leaving at least 20%)


6.        Mechanical Chop (Crush)


7.        Mechanically Chip  (may be able to sell chips)


8.        Prescribed or Broadcast Burn


9.        Haul Away  (Utilization  of byproducts such as fuelwood and/or to a safer disposal area)

 Master Tree Farm Course     Tree Farm Technician


