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Colorado Tree Farmers are a network of land- owners that share forestry resources.

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Landowners who become certified Tree Farmers in 2009 will receive the Colorado Tree Farmers forest management manual, Saving Your Forest.

Education>Master Tree Farm Course>Tree Farm Technician  


Objective:  To give the Tree Farmer a basic understanding of silviculture so that he can understand the needs of his particular forest stand or stands.   He should be able to utilize this understanding to better understand the recommended practices of his forest management plan and implement these practices properly. 

Topics that should be covered in the two- (2) classroom hours allotted are: 

        Terminology -  silvics, silviculture, forest ecology, even-aged stands, uneven-aged stands,             cultural activity, regeneration (artificial and natural), silvicultural systems (high forest and coppice)


Regeneration methods – specific techniques used to regenerate forests.
    A.)    Even-aged methods
            Seed Tree
    B.)     Uneven-aged methods
            Individual tree selection
            Group selection

              Intermediate Cultural Activities
                                Sanitation removals
                                Control competing vegetation
                                Site preparation
                     How accomplished
                                Prescribed fire 

Silvical Characteristics – factors that influence a species’ growth and behavior.  These include: shade tolerance, seeding habit, capability to vegetatively reproduce, pest susceptibility, and adaption to disturbance. 

               Provide characteristics for species within location of workshop attendees.
                               Ponderosa pine
                                Lodgepole pine
                                Pinon pine
                                Engelmann spruce
                                White fir

(Do not cover all species, only those  considered local.) 

Utilize publications of the USDA Forest Service as handouts and references.

  • RM-132  “Multipurpose Silviculture in Ponderosa Pine Stands of the Montane Zone of Central Colorado” – Clifford A. Myers
  • RM-127  “Silviclutural Systems and Cutting Methods for Old-Growth Lodgepole Pine Forests in the Central Rocky Mountains” – Robert R. Alexander
  • RM-126  “Silvicural Systems and Cutting Methods for old-Growth Spruce-Fir Forests in the Central and Southern Rocky Mountains” – Robert R. Alexander

 Master Tree Farm Course     Tree Farm Technician